Congratulations on choosing a house project from TMV Homes! Now you are faced with an important question - the choice of a reliable construction company that can precisely bring your "Dream Home" to reality. We offer a comprehensive range of services for turnkey construction of country houses in Kyiv and the Kyiv region based on our projects.
By choosing us to build your home, you free yourself from the hassle of dealing with various contractors, which usually leads to additional costs, loss of time, and stress. We are always ready to provide high-quality design and construction services and ensure comfort at every stage of the construction process.
We build houses in Kyiv and Kyiv region:
- We provide a package of documents for approval and obtaining permission for construction.
- When ordering our projects it is possible to get an estimate.
- We introduce changes to project documentation.
- Keep detailed photo-report at all stages of construction.
- Guarantee on finishing work - 1 year.
- Guarantee on the bearing capacity of structures - 10 years.
- In our office you can see the photo reports of the construction.
The estimate for house construction includes:
- Site preparation and earthworks (zero cycle).
- Foundation construction.
- Erection of walls and floor slabs.
- Roof installation.
- Exterior facade finishing.
- Installation of windows and doors.
- Interior finishing works.
- Landscaping of the area.
- Installation of engineering communications.
- Additional works (special equipment, delivery, access roads, tree removal).
- Quantity of materials, description of works, cost for each stage.