276.05 m2
Project cost
52 500 UAH
Project preparation time:
before 10 days
Construction Cost
~ 124 223$
First floor plan
Second floor plan
Roof plan
General characteristics
Total area 276.05 m2
1st floor area 175.16 m2
2nd floor area 100.89 m2
Living area 131.54 m2
Dimensions 21.12 x 15.86 m
1st floor height 3.10 m
2nd floor height 2.90 m
Building area 277.00 m2
Roof area 326.20 m2
Roof pitch 21 °
House height 9.34 m
Bedrooms 5
Bathrooms 4
Alteration are possible
Author's title TMV66A
Exterior walls
aerated concrete 375 mm + insulation 100 mm + brick 120 mm
monolithic strip
reinforced concrete slab
Roofing material
metal tile
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